Vision and values
Everything we do, we do for the good of the environment and our customers’ competitiveness.
Port of Grenland must ensure that the region’s business needs for sea transport are met. We define our social mission in four points:
- By promoting and facilitating climate-neutral sea transport, Port of Grenland will actively support the region’s ambition to become the world’s first climate-positive industrial region by 2040.
- Port of Grenland must actively contribute to sustainable industrial and business development.
- Port of Grenland must offer competitive logistics solutions adapted to the users of our port terminals.
- Port of Grenland must take care of emergency functions, proper management of the waters and exercise public authority based on the Ports and Waters Act (havne- og farvannsloven).
Our business concept:
Our business idea is that “Port of Grenland should offer efficient logistics solutions for sea transport and rental of property to actively stimulate growth in the region’s business life”.
Our core values:
Responsible: We are responsible and reliable. We can be trusted and always deliver as agreed. We manage great values and are aware of our significant social responsibility in everything we do.
Future-oriented: We are always at the forefront and develop logistics solutions for future needs. We have a long-term perspective and see the long lines.
Open: We cultivate cooperation and openness. With us, no one keeps their cards close to their chest, and we share our knowledge and experience with colleagues, partners and customers.
Our vision:
Everything we do, we do for the good of the environment and our customers’ competitiveness.
If you want to get to know us better, read our strategic plan from 2024 (in Norwegian)! If you would like to find out more about our strategic plan and ambitions, please send us an email.