Port of Grenland is working actively to contribute to greener transports and sustainable development. For many years, we have had a strong focus on reducing the environmental impact of our operations and activities, while at the same time working to achieve our growth ambitions in a sustainable way. This is firmly anchored in both our vision and business concept.
To manage our environmental responsibilities, we are governed by the ISO 14001 Environmental Management standard. Port of Grenland is one of very few port authorities in Norway to comply with this standard. Pursuant to the principles of ISO 14001, we emphasize the lifecycle perspective for products and services, and how our part of the overall value chain is impacted and controlled.

Port of Grenland has drawn up an environmental vision as part of our environmental policy:
Port of Grenland will continuously work to reduce the enviromental impact of our own activities and operations and will encourage associated businesses to do the same, preferably through collaborations and the use of new technology.
This environmental vision will be achieved by observing and complying with statutory requirements and other relevant criteria endorsed by the company to help reduce environmental impact. Through green targets and new improvement measures, we aim to continuously improve our environmental efforts.
We seek to increase the environmental awareness of all our employees by means of information and training. We work with customers, suppliers, tenants, employees and authorities to minimise the environmental impact of port activities as a whole, and to make being green profitable.
John Karl Boyce
Chief Operating Officer
Mobile: +47 950 04 657
How we work to ensure sustainable development:
- We use the ISO 14001 environmental management system as an integrated part of our corporate governance.
- We use price mechanisms to stimulate energy-efficient and sustainable transport.
- We facilitate optimal capacity utilisation for all modes of transport.
- We enable increased use of railway services for freight transport via our own terminals.
- We set environmental criteria when purchasing goods and services.
- We embrace the latest technology to reduce emissions and the environmental burden where this makes technical and economical sense. Smaller investments that benefit the environment can be considered using criteria other than economic benefit.
- In order to reduce emissions and environmental impact, we will endevour to optimize transport and logistics operations using best operating practice, BOP.
- Through research and analyses we work to ensure thourough assessments of risk, environmental aspects, and emissions caused by port activities.
How we measure the effect of our green efforts:
- Implementation of shore power supply.
- Actual number of operating hours for electrical mobile cranes relative to total operating hours.
- Growth in consignments of goods by rail to/from the port terminals.
- Number of vessels and trucks with highest or second-highest environmental classification loading and unloading at Port of Grenland.
- Developing climate accounts.
Noise measurements
Noise is an environmental problem that affects the surroundings. Port of Grenland has measured noise for a number of years, using model calculations and analyses to reduce noise disturbances in the surrounding area. This is primarily linked to activities at the Brevik Terminal and Langesund Ferry Terminal. We maintain close dialogue with our neighbours in order to monitor noise problems and be able to make continuous improvements to reduce them.
If you wish to file a noise complaint, please send us an email here

Shore power
Grenland Havn IKS is working to use shore power for ships and to operate harbour cranes. At Brevik Terminal, we offer shore power for ships, and our harbour cranes run on electricity, while at Langesund Ferry Terminal, we offer free charging for commercial vehicles. The fact that many ships cannot utilise shore power remains a challenge, which is why we are participating in a number of joint projects with other ports in the region, public authorities and academia to facilitate this in the ports around the Oslofjord.
Marie sediments
Contaminated marine sediments have been another long-term focus area for Grenland Havn IKS. The company will take the necessary steps in connection with dredging, or other measures that affect marine sediments, to ensure that environmental toxins are removed too.
Switching freight from road to sea and rail
The green shift in society is contingent on the growth of sustainable industry. Developing sustainable industry is a priority in the Frier Vest business development project, in which Port of Grenland plays a key role.
Grenland Havn IKS will work with the train operating companies and public authorities to switch more freight to the railways. The company has striven for many years to utilise existing railway infrastructure to transfer goods from road to sea.